How to Format University Coursework

Universities require their students to perform certain coursework in order to enhance their learning and research skills. They are devised to demonstrate that students are able to discuss and construct practical outcomes from theoretical knowledge they had learned. There are many phases from which coursework go through and each of its phases contributes a better form and shape to it. After completion of an assignment, students need to look back at their work for formatting and presenting it in an excellent manner by hiring a good coursework writing service. These two major aspects need much focus and concentration because they provide opportunities to enhance your work with some additional qualities. And they can surely be a source for your coursework to score better grades.

To format and present your coursework in an excellent manner, the first thing you should do is to know about the requirements that you need to fulfil for the particular task. Note down the instructions given by your professor and follow them to get good results. Most of the university coursework is submitted in the form of soft copies. So we are going to look through some of the basic guidelines that you need to follow when working electronically.

Basic Requirements of a File Format:

  • Most assignments are needed to be written using MS Word. You need to use a clear and readable font, using black text on the white background. Make sure that you have been consistent in using the same font throughout the document. The font size should be 11 or 12 for the body of the document.
  • Use 1.5 or double spacing and leave a blank line between paragraphs. Justify your work to the left. The gaps between the words in block-justify will make it harder to read.
  • Do not underline or italicize the headings. Use bold font for them.
  • Title page should include the title and number of assignment along with the course number and name. The due date for submission and student’s full name and student number. All of this information should be centered on about one third way down on the page.

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  • Page numbers should be mentioned on all pages except the title page. Figures and tables should be numbered and labelled clearly.
  • All the pages except the title page should have a header or footer that contain your name, your student number, the course number, the assignment number and the page number.
  • The number of words in your assignment-the word count-should be mentioned at the end of your assignment, before the references and appendices. The word limit should not be under or over 10% of the prescribed word count. Remember that the word count does not include the title page, references and appendices.
  • At the end of your assignment insert a reference list that should start on a new page under the heading of ‘References’. It will highlight the sources through which you have gathered necessary information about your work.
  • Appendices are also the part of some assignment that foregrounds the information that is too long to present in the body of assignment or it complements your information in certain ways.

If you need to submit the assignment in hard copy there are some additional things that will help you to present your assignment in a better way.

  • Print on one side of a white A4 paper
  • If your assignment has more than one pages, staple it in the top left corner.

Some courses allow hand written assignments. When you are submitting a hand written assignment make sure to write legibly. If there is a mistake in your final draft, use correction fluid. Draw tables and graphs neatly and with accuracy by using a ruler. Headings should be underlined.

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Make sure that your work does not contain any type of plagiarism. Try to present your own ideas in your own words. Your work should be unique and original. When you have completed writing the document, proofread to check for grammatical and spelling mistakes. Read it two to three times to check that it is properly structured and the ideas co-relate with each other.

After completing this stage; your coursework is ready for its submission. Along with the data of your assignment the art of presentation and formatting is equally important. When you will focus on each aspect of your assignment it will surely get you some good remarks. Formatting and presentation will help you to learn from your mistakes and your abilities would be much enhanced. When you will finally submit your work there would be a feeling of satisfaction that you have work hard for your coursework and build up your knowledge on a particular topic.

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